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banana republic


Fall’ing The Right Way

So lately I’ve been ready to transition to fall. And fortunately for me, the weather has been unseasonably mild here so I’ve been able to indulge a bit. As I say that, I’m looking at the weather report for…


Get Comfortable, Be Confident

To me, comfort is king. If you don’t feel comfortable in what you’re wearing, you’re not going to be comfortable period. My point is that how can you be confident in anything you’re doing if you’re worrying about a tag…


Never Fear, Fall is Here… Sort Of

Guys, I don’t mean to alarm you, but something’s going on. Fall is literally around the corner. Proceed to lose your mind. This year, more than any other, I’m very confused about how I feel about this transition. Normally…


Summer Slow Down

Is it just me or does it feel like the summer is screaming by? Where did the time go? Pretty soon it’ll be fall… I haven’t taken full advantage of my summer wardrobe yet. Exhibit A, this check shirt.…


Moody Summer Menswear

I’m heading into a four day weekend and I cannot wait. This summer has already been mighty hot here but it’s looking like it’s going to cool down slightly making it the perfect summer weekend! Summer is typically all about light,…


Polo Please

Summer is officially here and it’s already showing no mercy it seems. There’s an intense heatwave here on the west coast… Whatever happened to easing in Mother Nature? Sheesh. I shouldn’t really complain, because I’ve been ready for the heat…


French Navy

Classic looks are classic for a reason. You can always count on them to look great and they don’t really ever go out of style. That’s what’s so great about navy stripes in the spring and summer. The add…


A Memorial Day Look As Smart As It Is Stylish

I’m writing this and there are hardly any clouds in the sky right now. It’s a warm seventy something day in So Cal and it’s perfect. If I was being 100% honest, I could do without the slightly overcast…


Suit Up for Spring

I’m a pretty casual guy. I work in a casual environment right on the beach so I’m usually in jeans a t-shirt. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love a good excuse to get dressed up. When I got…


Some Spring Staples

This weekend marked the arrival of Southern California summer. It reached ninety degrees and I am excited. Since California doesn’t get a true winter typically, the arrival of warmer weather isn’t much to cheer about. However, this year So Cal got tons…