8 Mens Health Hacks

Guys, it’s time to start giving a crap about your health. Did you know that men are less likely to seek preventative care with regards to their health? And they’re also less likely to visit a doctor when they think they have a health issue. It’s time for men to start prioritizing the health of their body and mind. Since June is National Men’s Health Month, it’s the perfect time to make some simple changes toward living a healthier lifestyle. Check out a few of my favorite things I’ve done to start living a healthier life.

Stay hydrated

Water is essentially the basis of all living things so to say it’s important for your body would be an understatement. Properly hydrating improves the function of your major organs, aids in digestion and can even improve the look and feel of your skin. Your water intake varies depending on your activity level and other factors, but a good place to start is to divide your bodyweight in half and drink that number of ounces. Example: I weight 170 pounds so I should be drinking at least 85 ounces of water a day. The best way to stay hydrated is to invest in a reusable water bottle and take it everywhere with you (home, car, office, errands, gym, etc.). I tend to pound about 120 ounces a day and if I don’t, I can definitely tell the difference. So start hydrating fellas!

Cut processed foods

Cutting processed foods can be pretty difficult but an easy way to start is to replace something processed with something unprocessed. Processed foods are pretty much anything that comes packaged; anything that requires processing. So instead of a sweet snack, try replacing it with an apple or some berries. Or a scoop of nut butter (find one that has less than 5 ingredients). It might sound lame, but over time you’ll start to actually crave your new snack instead.


A while back I completed a ten-day meditation challenge which basically just had me meditate for 3-5 minutes every day for ten days. I will tell you that it did wonders for focusing my mind and giving me a little relaxing break during the day. Set aside a few minutes a day to center your head and let go of your daily stressors. I used Headspace, but there are tons of free apps to help you clear your head.

Protect yourself from the sun

This is pretty much a given. If you’re not protecting your skin from harmful sun rays, you need to start. Especially if you spend any real time outside. Start by using a daily moisturizer with added SPF but remember to amp up your protection with an oil-free sunscreen when you’ll be in the sun for extended periods of time.

Sweat it out

Getting your sweat on is good for you in so many ways. I personally try to get to the gym four times a week for a good workout. The other days I try to do at least 25 or so minutes of interval training. Being active gets your blood pumping and has obvious physical benefits but also does wonders for relieving anxiety and stress.

Be Confident

It’s no surprise that stress and mental health have a large impact on mens health and well-being. Many men suffer from depression for a variety of reasons. In fact, it’s been shown that hair loss can cause men to become severely depressed, and lose their sense of identity. Luckily, companies like hims offer products to help fight hair loss. Take simple steps to build up that confidence. 

Stay Connected

It is very important to maintain relationships with others. It has been proven that those with a large network of friends and family tend to be less lonely and stressed. It’s also been linked to a decrease in heart disease! This article highlights how friendship can help fight off heart disease and cancer. So pick up that phone and connect with a friend or two (after reading this of course)! 

Make Sleep a Priority

Getting at least seven hours of sleep is essential! Men often think they can overcome sleep deprivation and increase their energy levels by exercising, but that’s not always the best idea. Some of the benefits of a full nights sleep include improved memory, sharper attention, and lower stress. So maybe the snooze button isn’t the enemy after all!

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